This December, I decided that I had to use more time with my family and friends, and less time on my careerer. I have been struggling for a while figuring out why I was not really happy, and why I felt like a terrible dad and husband (Yea, I know that I am not married to the love of my life – but we lived together for 21 years – and it is a different story)
I analysed the problem, and tried to figure out how to become better at these things, what was the root of my problem. Because ultimately, my job was in many ways perfect – I have the most wonderful colleagues, I work as a technical product manager. But I could not really get all the ends to meet. When I came home at night, I was to tired to be a good dad, I was to tired to be a good man, and I was to tired to be creative (stories, drawing and making games: this is my hobbies, and is very important to me and my brain, which must be kept active at all times)
Ultimately, I ended up, after 6 months of considerations, that my only way out, was to quit my job – but as you read just before, I have an incredible workplace, and they offered me to work as a consultant instead (YAY!) so, now I work half time, and I now have time to be a better dad, and a better man – and I have time to do hobby projects that I can use for something else than just sharing with myself.
So, I made this game “Princess and Unicorn” – I corporation with my son Falke, who had this period of “Frozen” where princesses where the best thing ever 🙂 I wanted to make a game, where I could explore and experiment with Google store and Ads in games – We decided that I should make a game about Princesses and Unicorns that could accommodate both of our needs.
So, here it is, “Princess and Unicorn”, horrible name, I know, but this is the name non the less 🙂
It is in Beta for the Android, so it is not complete yet, but all the minimal features is in – which apparently do not include a princess – do not worry, she is on the way 🙂
Anyway, this is an open invitation to join in, and try out my game before it is complete. There is still some things missing – like explaining how to play the game – my hope is that it is so simple that most people can figure it out on their own – if this is not the case, then I need to find a way to improve the gameplay a bit 🙂
If you want to participate in the open Beta: simply click this link
If you have any problems figuring out how to do things, please send me a message, and I will help you set it up.
I believe in the sentence – there is no such things as stupid users, only bad design – so please ask 🙂